Really Useful Cash
Really Useful Cash Partner
Really Useful Cash is a great partnership program that offers all kinds of marketing tools, some of them are pretty standard but still you have to use them if you want to make some money. The revenue share is 50% for life, there is 10% webmaster referral payout, plus you will always get the support that you need. Some of the sites that this program is covering are,, KissingHD,, Girlfriends, Fake Hospital, etc. All in all, we are more than sure that you will find what you need in here and that you will be more than satisfied with what it has to offer.
PARTNER INFO: All the glorious details about Really Useful Cash
Marketing Tools
Banners Embedded Videos Embeded FLVs Exclusive free content Flash Banners
Checks Domestic Wire Paxum Wires
Program's type
Revenue share: 50% 10% Webmaster Referrals
Site Launched:
Listed Date: 2014-04-13
Facts Updated: 2016-09-20
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